How wold you respond if you knew that you only had 3 weeks to live? If you knew how, when, and where your life would end?
As much as i don't want to admit it, i would respond incredibly selfishly. i would want everything for the next three weeks to be all about me, i would constantly pull the "yeah, well i'm dying!" card, and i would want to complete EVERYTHING on my huge monumental bucket list. Like...
1. Pet a giraffe
2. See the Nortern Lights
3. Have a roof top picnic
4. Surf in Australia (even though i dont surf ;))
5. Visit Greece............................
You girls get the idea - everything would be about me.
Think about your response in comparison to how Jesus responded.
What did He do for the last 3 weeks of His earthly life? He continued to seek the lost, the hurting, the shamed, the outcast.
He didn't bungee jump off the Tower of Babel or go see the great Egyptian Pyramids; every minute of those last 3 weeks were dedicated to everybody EXCEPT himself.
He intentionally loved people, he sought out others never mentioning that He knew He would die in a very short period of time. He didn't want sympathy, He simply wanted their attention.
He wanted JUSTICE - oceans of it.
He wanted FAIRNESS- rivers of it (Amos 5)
Justice, mercy, faithfulness... all things that were denied to Him but all things that He freely gave.
Contemplate that this week as we draw near to Easter, and Christ's final day on earth
<3 always,
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