Sunday, June 3, 2012

Trade You An Answer for Some TOMS // Giveaway

We're asking a question, and we're giving away TOMS if you answer!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. i want to talk more about boys & dating... :P

  2. I think we should talk more about how we can impact the bible in our lives and our friends. Also how we can deal with peer pressure.

  3. I reccommend some facebook etiquette, and being beautiful with what "proceeds from our mouths" ... we can edify or destroy each other by our speach. Isn't it tough enough being a girl?

  4. I think that we should talk about where our parents fit in to all of this becoming a woman of god. Respecting them, and where we should be asking them for help in areas of our lives.

    -maddy johnson :)

    1. I also love the idea of talking about 'does God exist'..... that would be really interesting :)

  5. Something i want to talk about is a problem in many girl's lives. It's the pressure to be perfect. Not just to your parents and teachers, but to ourselves. especially from society, magazines, billboards, well everywhere we go outside. as God's beauties, we have struggles with that. I hope that by talking about this, Girls will feel more confident about themselves. <3 Appreciation <333 thanks!

    1. Oh and this is Lora Supandi lol ;)


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