Monday, September 10, 2012

My Battle Field Mind | We Are Worthy

More often than not I feel less than worthy of the blessings God has placed in my life. Even more than that, sometimes I feel unworthy for Him to use me.

Recently and quite frequently I've been going through some spiritual battles in my mind.  Seriously. It's like a modern war between two forces, good and bad, going on in my brain. I think the worst part though, is that I didn't even realize it. I was losing the battle, thinking I was winning in my relationship with God.

It's funny how one simple moment can reveal to you the lies you have been believing. 

In my particular revelation, I was holding my precious niece. So innocent and cute. On my drive home, I began to sob my eyes out, because it hit me:

I need God the way my baby niece needs her mother to survive. I need God's unfailing love just like my niece needs her mother's. 

I've easily gotten caught in the lie trap that I needed a guy to come in and sweep me off my feet. Do you do that too? We start to fantasize about how our life would be so much more fulfilled with a companion, a best friend, a comfort right by our side. 

But God created the world and my life, your life, and I'm sure He knows just a little bit better as to what we need than we do.

My mind battle continues in my taking advantage of the fact that God's always with me. I know He loves me. I know who He is. I know what He's done. But there are times when I don't live like it. 

Yet I continue to hear him say,
"Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you." Hebrews 13:5

I know it's truth. 

You or I may not be worthy to have the God working in our lives and using us, but I believe He is creating in us. Something beautiful. He uses the weak to lead the strong. 

Jesus makes us worthy by wiping our sin and shame away and declaring us perfect before God. 

I believe  He wants to use anyone who is willing to be used, so long as they get back up every time they fall and continue to run the race.

So, that's what I intend to do.

And my mind battle? I won it, because Jesus went before me. 

Talk to us
How about yourself?
Is there something stopping you from moving forward?

Talk with us about it in the comments below or on our Facebook Page.

Love, Bailey.

ABOUT BAILEY: Bailey is our High School Becoming Girls Conference Intern. She loves writing and music and YOU! Come say hi. 

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